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Old 10-17-2006, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Linny
I saw the race differently from everyone I guess. While I was impressed with NoBiz' move into contention I really disliked the way he leaned into Pegasus Wind when they turned for home. He was hugging PW all the way down the lane. The photo that accompanies Mike W's article (front page of the Wed DRF) shows NoBiz being hauled off of the inside horse as Scat Daddy runs by.

It's the difference of opinion that makes the betting possible and I hope alot of folks absorb Watch's article and march to the windows to bet NoBiz next month. I think he's too green to win the BCJ. That said, I think he has a ton of natural ability and if he develops properly he should be a major stakes horse.

Also, PW held on well and could be a contender in some of the lesser stakes at the end of the year.

Linny horses aren't machines and they sometimes take a few starts to learn their lessons.
What Nobiz did would only be considered neagtive by me if he does that again and again like Corinthian wound up doing.
Many a very good horse does what Nobiz did in his early races while learning his or her lessons.
He got next to no schooling in his debut as he shot to thelead after 3 duelers committed suicide on the front end. He cantered down the lane and didn't learn any lessons.
Now that they know he may be prone to waiting or lugging in, they will most likely change bits or maybe put cheater blinkers on him if he does it again.
In addition to that, a good trainer like Tagg now knows what to work on in the mornings with him and will probably make sure he works in behind a set of horses or alongside another one in company.
It was only his 2nd start, and its just too early to declare him a mental patient.
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