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Old 11-24-2020, 09:03 PM
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DonGuido DonGuido is offline
Oriental Park
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Originally Posted by cal828 View Post
I agree, but I am biased toward learning history having taken Western Civ, U.S History, Russian History, African History, History of the South and Political Science which in my view was just more history.
WOW that is just crazy to me anyway. I've learned more about history after being out of school than in it. But that's just me. BTW growing up is up state NY, I m quite buff on Indian, Iroquois Nation history. My father was a Indian artifacts pro for most f his adult life. Interestingly enough when I was at Clemson, we lived near Seneca, South Carolina. The small city/town was named after the Seneca tribe that was part of the Iroquois Nation until they probably got tired of the wicked winters (smart Indians) and migrated to South Carolina.

The writings and history of the Iroquois Nation which covered most of New York, went east and quite far up into Canada was a very well developed, governed and managed sub-nation made of up of many different tribes. You may have read or heard of the "Long Houses' they held their tribal meetings in. It's also said that they played a game much like lacrosse is played today. They were much more advanced than most understand. When the "White Man" came, invaded and settled in those areas it was basically destroyed.

Footnote: my father had an Indian artifacts collection larger than the local historic museum in the area. After he died I agreed to basically donate it all to them for a very small fee to cover moving it all there and a Starbucks. Starbucks, HA HA HA, just kidding.
The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears – Arabian Proverb

Last edited by DonGuido : 11-24-2020 at 09:19 PM.
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