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Old 08-10-2014, 05:59 AM
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The Curragh
Join Date: Jun 2006
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When I first watched this, I thought Tony Stewart was a MONSTER. But after reflecting on it, the kid had to be certifiably insane. Even though they were under a yellow flag (I write this as if I know more than the smallest amount about auto racing), they were still going at a high rate of speed. He steps directly in front of Stewart's car. If Tony had 5 minutes to think about it, he could have taken evasive action that would have been safe for everyone, but in the split second he had to make a decision, he couldn't have known the ramifications to himself and anyone else around him had he tried to swerve out of the way (or even if that would have worked). I did read that witnesses said he stepped on the gas, but who really knows? Other than Stewart himself. I guess the absurd, unsportsmanlike behavior that seems commonplace in that "sport" finally led to the inevitable, someone being killed. At this point, I would blame the kid.
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