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Old 06-18-2013, 05:13 PM
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Calzone Lord Calzone Lord is offline
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Originally Posted by Merlinsky View Post
I realize numbers that are fast for one track might be slow at another, but how are these dawdling? :22.68, :45.67, 1:09.56
On the 100 point scale, here are the figures for the race:

First quarter: 81
Second quarter: 77
Final time figure: 90

The race was a -13, just from the 3/8ths pole to the finish line.

Without using numbers, and figures from algorithms to explain it. Here's the far more simple way to do it.

Race #3 was the days other 7 furlong race. Compare the fractions and final time with Paynter's race.

Race #3: $8,000 Claiming Race at 7fs: 22.45, 45.47, 1:24.79

Race #7: Paynter ALW race at 7fs: 22.68, 45.67, 1:21.86

Basically, Paynter got away with setting slower fractions than the $8,000 claiming horses to both the 1/4 and the 1/2. However, he rocketed home in the final 3 furlongs. His final time was about 18 lengths faster than the cheap claimers.

Again, the latter explanation showing Paynter setting slower fractions than 8k claimers at the same distance is a very dumbed down explanation ... sometimes 8k claimers can be run at very wicked paces. The 8/1 shot who set faster fractions than Paynter finished 2nd in the cheap claimer.
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