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Old 10-09-2012, 01:02 PM
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Mitt Romney’s Most Dishonest Speech

When it comes to lies and half-truths, Romney saves his best stuff for foreign policy.

By Fred Kaplan|Posted Monday, Oct. 8, 2012, at 5:14 PM ET

Mitt Romney has delivered a lot of dishonest speeches in recent months, but Monday’s address on foreign policy may be the most mendacious yet.

It was expected that he would distort President Obama into a caricature of Jimmy Carter. But it was astonishing to watch Romney spin a daydream of himself as some latter-day George Marshall, bringing peace, prosperity, and hope to a chaotic world—this from a man who couldn’t drop in on the London Olympics without alienating our closest ally and turning himself into a transcontinental laughingstock.

To the extent that Romney recited valid criticisms of Obama’s policies, he offered no alternatives.

To the extent he spelled out specific steps he would take to deal with one problem or another, he merely recited actions that Obama has already taken.

Let’s go through the text, point by point.

Continued, 3 pages
It's the lying. Mitt Romney, in his political life, has always been an utterly brazen liar.

Back when he ran for Governor and lied about where he filed his taxes, all though every subsequent campaign where he's lied even after being caught out by multiple media outlets ("our campaign will not be dictated by fact checkers"), up to and including his appalling lie-filled debate speech last week repeating long-debunked outright lies ("death panels" "751B from Medicare" "42% clearly false statements").

Newt Gingrich called him the most dishonest politician he's ever seen. This is why Romney lost to Kennedy for Senate, it's why he lost the GOP primary early in 2008, and it's why nobody in the GOP or his primary opponents care about him. Tim Pawlenty bailed from his campaign a few weeks back to become a lobbyist, for gosh sakes, when the 47% video came out.

Mitt Romney isn't just a shading politician, he's a stone-cold liar, and he looks you in the eye, smacks his lips (his tell) and lies to your face. About a third of the public is simply ignoring this is occurring. Simply amazing.
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