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Old 10-31-2006, 04:18 PM
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Arlington Park
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Originally Posted by blackthroatedwind
So now your defense is that it isn't the first or second definition of the word that was offered?

A simple " I guess I misunderstood " would have sufficed.

I'm just glad we could clear things up for you. Feel free to check in any time in the future you are unclear as to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Well, you apparently feel the need to declare victory. That's not a big surprise. Y

ou choose to refuse to believe that people could be offended by his poor choice of words or, alternatively, you will defend blindly. Noone with anything other than misguided loyalty would read the sentence and paragraph (context, sir) and come up what you've commented. It's also more than a bit disingenuous for you to have parsed out the only portion of the Am Hert definition that you could remotely use to defend the indefensible.

That's ok. As far as what "would have sufficed," I suppose you could have gone through all the definitions of the word listed and said, "I'm sure he didn't mean this. Or this... Or this either. You could have kept going until you could say, 'THIS is what he meant.'" But no.
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