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Old 11-10-2010, 11:50 AM
NTamm1215 NTamm1215 is offline
Havre de Grace
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Originally Posted by Duvalier View Post
By the way my favorite track announcer was Larry Lederman when he called the races at Garden State and Atlantic City but I don't get into Freehold. I do enjoy when an announcer shows some personality...not robotic calls.
Lederman is great, I always enjoyed his calls.

Trevor just sounds to me like this is a job for him and he goes in and puts in his 5 hrs or whatever it may be then goes home. You're never going to get Trevor allowing people to go to his booth to raise money for charity. There's never going to be anything remarkable about one of his calls. Hell, he recycled his own call when Sidney's Candy won the SA Derby this year. Durkin would get lambasted if he used a cheesy line like "Eskendereya carrying the hopes of New York all the way to the Kentucky Derby."
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