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Old 07-10-2009, 01:14 PM
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The Curragh
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Originally Posted by King Glorious
This might be the most fun time for me. I love the regular season. I love the playoffs. But the summer season in Las Vegas is great. It's so informal and you get to see some guys really working hard to make teams. A lot of the top draft choices are there and the competition is pretty good. I will be there everyday from the start (today) til the finish (7/19). I will give my best attempts at unbiased reporting. I know you all will be waiting with baited breath. I'll tell you what I've heard about the Orlando summer session. I heard that James Hardin and Tyler Hansborough were outstanding. Hansborough went for over 20 a game. Terrance Williams had shooting problems but possesses a complete game on the court. Lester Hudson didn't do much after scoring 11 in his first game but is a beast on the defensive end. Roy Hibbert and Ryan Anderson dominated and Russell Westbrook looked great.
As a Louisville Cardinals fan yeah this should be interesting! I've read that Tyler has been tearin em up as well.
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