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Old 03-04-2008, 07:48 AM
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Les Bois
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Posts: 40

Originally Posted by PPerfectfan
For those that dont get the whole Nascar thing. I was right there with ya, couldnt believe someone was dumb enough to sit and what cars turn left for 3 hours!!! Hell if I wanted to see horse power I would go to the "horse" races. Co-worker invites me over for BBQ, oh and the "race" will be on. Hey, good BBQ and I can put up with just about anything. First race, I look at the cars and say "Gee, that one has a pretty cool paint schemethingy". Next weekend, "Hey where is that car with the cool paint schemethingy?", Next week, "Hey who the hell is that bumping into "my" car with the cool paint schemethingy?". And 5 years later I am one of the "dumb" ones that sit and watch cars turn left for 3 hours.hehe When you get watching close, following the drivers, and the teams, believe it or not, it becomes very interesting. My Blue Front Amazon Parrot has picked up our cheering for our favorite driver " Go Matt, Come on Buddy, You can do it". And I had a dog named after my drivers crew chief...sick I know, but true. And if anyone sees Jeff Gordon, give him a good bitch slap for me for wrecking "my" driver Matt Kenseth.......
I am married to the Anti-Rousch, so no rooting for Kenseth here , but I *did* start with NASCAR the same way you did, except it was Kahne who hooked me in the first few starts of his rookie year. There is sooooo much more to NASCAR racing than turning left. Huge amount of technology and strategy.

Gordon is probably still seeing stars from that hit...
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