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Old 01-30-2008, 12:39 AM
GBBob GBBob is offline
Hialeah Park
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 6,340

Originally Posted by pgardn
I dont believe the stuff about his Dad.
George the First stopped short of completely
overrunning Baghdad because he knew it
would create chaos. I think the people who
think GW planned 9/11 are completely and utterly

We could have easily wiped out Saddam in
the first Gulf war.

No I really believe Bush thought Iraq was a threat
Biologically and from a Nuclear perspective. Then
when nothing was found, the "oh well, lets get rid
of Saddam and create a democracy" excuse was given.

No one seems to remember how scared everyone was
at the time. No one remembers how many times Iraq
was allowed to come clean and they did not. I did not
read one post or article anywhere that said the WMD
thing is a sham for going in at the time. Only after the
fact. The entire Congress got the report and they all
believed that Iraq had WMD's, some just did not want
to go in and take them out. No one disagreed about
taking the Taliban out of Afg. because they were harboring
Osama. That is all forgotten. BTW, we are still in Afg. and
it is also a mess. I still hear very little about how this little
foray was also illegitimate.

Everything is much clearer in hindsight. I remember too
much about what was said at the time from Democrats
and Republicans.
Hindsight...aka...second guessing does make it easier..agreed

my issue is with the rush to war after 9/11 and gdubs pushing of wmd

And no..the entire congress did NOT believe that Iraq had WMDs...and those that were on the fence trusted that gov from Texas and Colin, who trusted that guv from Texas, converted many of the remainders.

off topic..I saw that dubya had an 84% rating after 9/11 and a 34% rating today. I'll admit that I was a basher before and a basher after..please, someone who loved him after 9/11 and is not with him now please explain because to me he's the same evil man
"but there's just no point in trying to predict when the narcissits finally figure out they aren't living in the most important time ever."
hi im god quote
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