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Old 07-13-2006, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by chupster2
From tim woollery site:

Update 216: Spoke to Michael Matz this morning (thursday). It appears Bobby is still doing OK given all we know. I asked Michael a little more about the press conference this morning. He won't be able to attend, but is aware that Dr. Dean Richardson will be very forthcoming with everything that is occuring (no surprise apparently if you know Dean). Michael also mentioned he received a very nice letter, which he gave to Peter (Brette) to give to me, that discussed this site. I'll look forward to reading it. (Peter could not give it to me since he was on a horse, Michael was on Messaging and I was on one of Tim's horses, whose "nickname" is also Bobby!) I am planning to attend the press conference.
update thursday, 7:15 am

Update 215: A new article from the Baltimore Sun, later in the day yesterday (10:34 pm): Derby winner Barbaro is 'facing tough odds' Infections impede horse's recovery. Much of the content we are familiar with I think. The Mercury News carries an article that mentions the purpose of today's press conference: Surgeon says Barbaro's 'facing tough odds' (which I plan to attend), excerpt:

Addressing a rumor that the news conference was to announce that Barbaro would be put down as soon as Thursday night, Gretchen Jackson said that was unfounded.

"No, I guarantee that's not going to happen unless something goes drastically wrong in the next 24 hours," she said in a phone interview Wednesday night.

The purpose of the news conference, she said, was for Richardson to give a detailed update on the events of the last week. "It just seems fitting that Dean does the whole thing now."
these are great updates, thanks so much for sharing them.
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