Thread: Biancone
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Old 07-06-2007, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by parsixfarms
Is it me, or is it ridiculous that racing jurisdictions are continuing to accept entries from this guy? If they have the evidence, the tracks should enforce their private property rights and revoke his stalls and bar him from running. Otherwise, this mess will get dragged through the legal system (and I say this as a lawyer), and justice will be delayed and denied.

Before people start with the "innocent until proven guilty" line, as far as racing goes, this is not a criminal matter. The same rights/protections do not apply. The stall applications at most tracks say that management has the absolute right to deny/revoke privileges (similar to an at-will employee who can be fired at any time, for any reason or no reason at all) at any time. I wish some of these track execs would have the guts to exercise these rights; until they do, cleaning up the game will be left to the ineffective government regulators.
I've stated this already,and what I don't get is how they can toss the jockey's off the property for alleged cheating/wagering scams with no explanation,Yet this guy is caught red handed and they do nothing.
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