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Old 05-31-2007, 11:53 AM
Scav Scav is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Northwest of The Chi
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Originally Posted by Bigsmc
Hang in there Doc. Cherish the last time you have left with Shadow.

I lost my Dalmation, Abby (named after a Greyhound that I cashed several tickets on in Miami, Anna's Abby) 2 years ago and this is the first I have spoken of it. It absolutely crushed me and still does just writing this. She was 13 and her first 8 years were when I was single and it was just me and Abby. We had many long talks about life and she was the best listener. The last 5 years were with my wife and kids and she took the change well and became one of the family. She was a wreck in the end. Bad heart murmer, going blind, bad hip etc...when the incessant nose bleeds began, we knew it was time.

My wife and kids want another dog, but I have put them off because I don't know if I can go through that again.
Get another one. I thought the same thing but trust me, it is just as awesome as it was with the old dog. Even better becuase you know to cherish everything even more
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