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Old 12-29-2022, 11:00 AM
v j stauffer
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Originally Posted by Dahoss View Post
This was like a hybrid of your copy and paste. Again, no one cares Vic. Your trip notes were garbage. Absolutely nothing could be gleaned from viewing them and no one with a brain didn’t see you got caught and tried to save face.

Let’s talk about the Bejarano situation. You again tried to save face, but as usual, because of your massive ego, you were unable to own that you were wrong and pandered to morons. Everyone here remembers your “generational” comment and how you could never actually admit you were wrong. It’s a personality flaw. I know them well. You idolize Tom Durkin right? Did he ever chastise a rider on mic? Why do you think that was? You think you’re bigger than the game. You’re an arrogant POS and ultimately you’re fake.

Every once in awhile (like now when you thought mentioning my Twitter handle would be some gotcha moment) we get the real you. Not the pandering you, but the real Vic. That person seems okay. Not sure why you spend so much time and energy trying to be something you aren’t but I have a few ideas.

I’m also not sure why you haven’t blocked me by now. You did on Twitter after the lashing Joe Santos gave you. Again I have a few ideas. You have a legion of morons who think you’re pretty special. Guys married to women who look like Scott Baio, guys who work at Mountaineer and think they’re Joe Hirsch reincarnated…you get the point. But I see you for what you are. Always have. And that really bothers you. Deep down inside you want me to like you sooooooo bad. For me, that’s better than winning any head to head will ever be.

Straight and strong!
Of course, I idolize Tom Durkin. Who wouldn't? He did call Eddie D. losing his whip on Hollywood Wildcat with 75 yards to run in the Distaff. I'm sure you read Twitter where about 90% of the responses were in favor of how I decided to do my job.

Many people thought the trip notes were good and told me so. They weren't viewed. They were written. How could they be garbage? I finished 5th.

I've admitted several times that SECRET OATH in fact didn't turn out to be generational.

Aren't legions good?

Why on earth would I block you? That would suggest I care about what you say. This internet thing is supposed to be fun. You make it that.

Winning the vitriol head to head is your ONLY chance. Because you know very well, I'd destroy you at Saratoga.

I don't want you to like me.

Anything else?
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