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Old 11-16-2022, 01:21 PM
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jms62 jms62 is offline
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Ultimate Redboard while THOUSANDS of posts to the contrary

"This is nothing to be happy about. It's pathetic, actually.

He had his chance and he failed.

His presidency was a GOOD ONE, don't get me wrong...but the claims of what he wanted to do or what he was going to do fell extraordinarily flat (DRAIN THE SWAMP comes immediately to mind)...and when you look at the people he surrounded himself with...the very same TYPES of people he CLAIMED he hated...DEEP STATE TYPES...well...that's all I need to know.

Instead of draining the swamp, the SWAMP DRAINED TRUMP.

Why would I want 4 more years of that miserable garbage and all the baggage that goes along with it? He didn't get it done the first time...not even close"
"Who won?"

Damar Hamlin
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