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Old 10-19-2020, 07:04 PM
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DonGuido DonGuido is offline
Oriental Park
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Dallas, Texas
Posts: 3,875

Points and ROI Contest Totals through October 17, 2020

Ok so I have a bunch of catching up to do . . . many apologies to all but sometimes real life just overwhelms you. Starting off there were no points rewarded for Sep 26 since it was an ROI only contest and nobody made any profit at all.

Now for the recap of 10/3, 10/10 and 10/17. This is gonna take awhile. To shorten it a bit I'll give the cribb notes highlights and you can see the points totals changes, and there are several big ones, below. First off, RQ and Plan have been dominating the ROI contests lately, be nice if they sent me a little of that MOJO . . . because I suck there. RQ is nailing big bucks as is Plen and Plen has a REPEAT in ROI for 10/10 and 10/17 . . . very nice Ma'am!!! Yours truly puts on his Points prowess hat nabbing some very nice points totals for that contest with a REPEAT, albeit a tie with Plen and Cal earlier, in the points contest.

Is DG getting warmed up after a lay off to pounce on the Breeders Cup contest and take home his 4th or 5th Gallivan Cup (sorry lost count) since we've been doing this??? Ya never know about DG on the big days and BC days are the biggest and very close..

Are JB and even Ruff laying down a little on us to lull us to sleep, pre-Breeders Cup, since neither have been overtly present lately, especially JB. Neither has won a contest in some time and that's scary. And don't ever take the under on JB when it counts, kinda like my Clemson Tigers this year (sorry had to get a Clemson note in) And Cal, your mixing it up and hanging tough with our stalwarts. I'm thinking you're like a cheetah waiting for your chance to run down any of us.

Changes - Don Guido moves up one and Cruzan the same.

So here are the latest totals showing points added:

1. 524 Cal828 (plus 20)
2. 442 JolyB (plus 6)
3. 429 DonGuido (plus 47 w/ a REPEAT in Pts)
4. 421 Ruffian-333 (plus 24)
5. 366 Real Quiet (plus 31)
6. 243 Plenilune (plus 49 w/ a REPEAT in ROI)
7. 170 Roamin42
8. 91 Cruzan200246
9. 90 NJ Stinks
10. 82 Indian Hemp
11. 75 Alli
The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears – Arabian Proverb

Last edited by DonGuido : 10-19-2020 at 07:46 PM.
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