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Old 01-05-2015, 08:57 AM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
I mean, of course, segregated between racing fans and non-racing fans.

Because non-racing fans have to listen to:

"I thought this was during the school year. Why are they at Belmont Park?"

"Is a race horse allowed to have 'Stallion' in the name? Or is that just at the end? I can't remember."

"Hey! Tom Durkin! Is he getting a credit for this?"

(Seriously though, it's a sweet movie and Bill Murray is terrific in it. And great to see Belmont on screen so much, even if, according to when the movie is taking place, they really should have been at the Big A. Whatever. I've let it go. Kind of.)
I think it's the same for caddies and those who have never caddied when watching Caddy Shack.

Went to the same HS he went to and was there with his younger brother Joel. He showed up a half dozen times and was always in 'Bill Murray' character. Still was awesome to see a SNL skit live in person and he always f'd with the priests about finding a nice boy to settle down with. One little known fact is his sister Nancy is a nun.

Oh, and I caddied 7th grade to Jr. year and went the extra step, cheating for the bag I was on. Unless it was Tuesday, ladies day, when the bag was playing and shooting between 10 and 20 a hole, seemingly always dividing the real score in half and writing that number on the scorecard. I always seemed to get a tip cut in half as well. Still hate Tuesdays 35 years later!
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