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Riot 05-31-2012 10:31 PM

Rape victim denied emergency contraception by ER doctor
"Oklahoma Rape Victim Denied Emergency Contraceptives. Doctor Cites Her Own Religious Objection As Reason"

Absolutely disgusting. What the hell?

Editorial comment by author of above piece:


Ah. I see. So the doctor and nurse really refused to help because of their twisted beliefs. On top of that, according to the mother “Her (the doctor) attitude was so condescending. It was like she was treating my daughter like she had done something wrong.”

Heap some slut shaming on top of the religious fanaticism and you have the perfect Republican hospital visit: It’s your fault for getting raped and how dare you try to stop the potential pregnancy that is your just reward for being a whore?

The First Amendment guarantees both freedom of and from religion. No one forced these fanatics to become doctors or nurses. They have no right to force their religious delusions onto others and if they cannot perform the duties required of them, they should find another place of employment more suited to their beliefs.

Further, what happens when one of these “true Christians” decides they don’t have to provide emergency services to a Muslim or a black person or a homeless person? All they have to say is “it’s against my religion” and that’s that. Where’s the morality? Where’s the accountability? Will it be OK for a Jewish doctor to refuse service to a Christian? Of course not. Like all conservative “beliefs,” it only exists to justify their callousness and can never be used against them. That would be “persecution.”

AlreadyHome 06-01-2012 06:53 AM

bad call
wow wtf, any lawyer would love to have this case, is fked up what happen to her, shame on the doctors/hospital not to have staff on site to help a human being regardless the situation.

fkng idiots correct whats wrong with your doctors/hospital

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