View Full Version : Year End Points and ROI Totals, Questions to be answered . . .

10-27-2017, 03:43 PM
Ok, we've always set the points totals, ending the year, at the weekeend before Breeders Cup to determine the top ten going for the Gallivan Cup Challenge. I know RQ has included BC weekend in the year's ROI totals to crown that contest champ.

We can change and include the points for BC cards if you like to determine Points Contest Champ. No biggie to me. And this year, I believe all that are playing make the cut for the Gallivan Cup, although some have only played spordically. Do we set it at a minimum contest played?

1. Do we include points scores for the BC Card in points totals for the year?
2. Do put a minimum points contests played to qualify for the Cup contest? If so what is it 50% or more to qualify.

Lets me know.

10-27-2017, 03:46 PM
We've heard form JB and Ruffian already that we should include the BC Cards Points in the handicapping year total, which is a change from the way it been done. It makes sense to me the make this change. We do it for the ROI Totals, so why not.

Any other opinions are welcome. Festivity announcements for Breeders Cup weekend start next week.